Start Using CodeKit – How To Setup Your First Project

Are you still writing your front-end development code in HTML and/or CSS? If so you are starting to fall behind the times and should start considering looking towards the future of coding and to what can essentially speed up your workflow ten times over. What I’m talking about is writing in one of the fabulously new languages, Jade, Sass/Scss, or Less, but in order to use any of those languages, you are going to need a pre-compiler to compile all of those fancy new languages into HTML/CSS so that your browser can still read it. Let me show you how to use one of my favorite compilers, CodeKit. (more…)

Website Design Trends from 2015


With 2015 coming to a close, this year for web design has been anything but dull. Innovation is never lacking, and creativity is forever flowing through the power of the web and as designers we are always coming up with new ideas. Websites have become more and more interactive and engaging audiences of all ages, whilst staying simple enough for anyone to navigate hassle free. Here are a few of the many trends that happened in 2015. (more…)

Our Tools for the Web


With the ways of the web always changing our tools need to evolve and be able to handle the challenges at hand. After trying out dozens upon dozens of other applications and resources, here is our favorite tools to use at Rose Design.


Pixel Perfect Precision Handbook

The Pixel Perfect Precision Handbook is an absolute must-read for designers, with lots of tips to help with graphic design, digital design, and interactive development. Even the most seasoned hands will probably learn a few new best practices for crafting digital designs. Design techniques to ease the transition from pixels to code. There are now more of the fundamental Pixel Perfect Principles, including Users, Motion, and Prototyping.

It’s available as a PDF or for iBooks here:


Pixel Perfect Precision Handbook

Flat Design

Flat design has been popping up all over lately. Websites, apps, even bags of potato chips in the grocery store seem to be jumping on the band wagon of all things flat! The real question is, is this simply a trend, or will it stick around for good?


At Rose Design, we love the back-to-basics feel of a flat design, so we can focus on simply getting a message across on all forms of media and devices.


flat design


Check out the interesting insights we found in this article.